Are Golf Courses a Waste of Space?

Brad Carey02 Mar 2023

As golf grows in popularity, the conversation of whether or not golf courses are a waste of space has become increasingly relevant. Especially when faced with significant land scarcity in some regions, many have questioned whether having so much open space dedicated to one sport is wise – especially since there are several other sports that need land as well. This blog post will explore this issue further and provide balanced insight into both sides of the argument surrounding this interesting topic.

The Pros and Cons of Maintaining a Golf Course

Golf courses are a unique type of leisure experience, providing an opportunity for people to enjoy the outdoors and spend time with friends or family. However, there can be downsides associated with maintaining them; golf courses take up large amounts of land space that could potentially be used for other purposes such as housing developments or public parks. Additionally, they require significant maintenance to keep them in good condition due to factors like water usage and chemical treatments needed on greens. It is important to weigh both sides when making decisions around golf course maintenance: while they provide recreational opportunities without taking away available green spaces from their communities, their upkeep has environmental impacts that must also be taken into consideration.

The Environmental Impact of Golf Courses

When it comes to the environment and sustainability, golf courses have had a long-standing reputation for being challenging to maintain in an environmentally friendly way. Golf courses utilize large amounts of water through irrigation systems but also require regular mowing and chemical treatments continually throughout the season. This often leads to adverse environmental effects such as soil erosion, pollution from pesticides and fertilizers, increased pressure on local wildlife populations due to habitat loss or displacement, decreased local biodiversity levels caused by invasive species targeting specific areas based on their suitability provided by manicured golf fairways and greenscapes – just some of many issues that plague these sprawling green spaces. In addition, lawns take up acres upon acres of space which could otherwise be used much more productively with far fewer environmental repercussions than those associated with keeping a well maintained course. As demand for land only rises overall as cities continue expanding into previously rural areas; so too does this question whether leaving huge swathes of ground dedicated largely towards leisure activities like playing golf is really worth it when there are other potential uses out there better suited at effectively utilizing finite resources?

How Could Golf Courses be Used to Benefit the Community?

Golf courses are a valuable asset that can be used to benefit the community in many ways. Not only do they provide recreational activities, but they also open up opportunities for ecological restoration and green space preservation. This is especially true as people become more aware of their environmental footprint and seek out greener alternatives to traditional golfing experiences. For example, some communities have embraced “green” practices such as utilizing natural water sources on fairways, planting native grasses instead of turfgrass whenever possible or building compost areas where organic waste from food vendors can be reused back into the soil – all of which help reduce overall maintenance costs while preserving ecology at the same time. Additionally, golf courses can host events like farmers markets or festivals in order to bring business activity through unique programming that isn’t available anywhere else within town limits but still helps contribute positively towards local economic development goals. Though there may often times seem like golf courses take up prime real estate away from other potential uses, its important to remember just how much it contributes back when utilized properly for these exact reasons!

What Alternatives are There to Golf Courses?

Golf courses are large, expansive pieces of land that can take up a lot of space. But what if there were other ways to use these plots? Alternatives to golf could be anything from public parks, nature preserves and trails, residential housing complexes and restaurants, sports fields or even community gardens. These alternatives not only have the potential to provide more recreation opportunities for local residents but they also may potentially generate tax revenue which would help support improvements in their communities as well as providing jobs. Depending on the location of the course it could lead towards an increase in property values due to its proximity with these new establishments. In addition these alternative uses would allow people who don't typically get many recreational options access them as well such a low-income families or children that live nearby; something traditional golf courses do not offer.

The Future of Golf Courses

Golf courses have long been a popular form of sport and recreation for people across the world. But with increasing development, land is becoming scarce and some are wondering if golf courses should be put to better use than simply providing entertainment. As cities expand outward, more space may be needed for housing or other uses such as shopping centers, parks or schools. Some argue that golf courses represent an inefficient use of valuable real-estate that could be utilized in more meaningful ways while others point out their economic contributions as well as recreational benefits they provide to communities around them. The future of golf course design must take into account these considerations in order to ensure maximum benefit from this limited resource going forward.


Ultimately, when it comes to whether golf courses are a waste of space or not, the answer is highly subjective. There are many people who would argue that allocating such large areas of land for leisure activity could be put to better use in terms of providing homes for those without one or creating green spaces for communities. But others may point out how much some golf courses contribute towards conservation and preservation efforts as well as how they can benefit local businesses by bringing tourists into an area due to their desirability. It’s clear that until we have more evidence on potential alternative uses and impacts on business revenues there will never be a definitive answer either way – only different points-of-view based upon individual experiences.

Brad Carey

Brad Carey

An avid golfer, brad loves a round of 18 on a Sunday. After getting involved in the technical side of golf, he thought he'd share his insights with others.

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